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    Trix Are For Kids

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    I love sex. I also love sugary cereals. I have recently discovered the amazing high of eating sugary kids cereals immediately following sex. Rough sex in particular.

    Eating a bowl of Corn Pops while feeling all the come squish out of my pussy after fucking is really cool. Recently after I received a massive throat fucking from my husband, I had a bowl of Lucky Charms. And for some reason, Cookie Crisp went very well after getting my ass torn up.

    I think it must have something to do with the combination of a very adult pleasure and a very innocent, childhood pleasure.

    Either that or I am wanton hedonist with no chance at living a life of moderation.

    2 comments to Trix Are For Kids

    • D. Juan

      I believe this calls for repeated, double-blind (or blindfolded?) experiments: Which kids’ cereals go best after which sex act? You could publish it in the Journal of Irreproducible Results; I’d love to see the peer reviews on that one.

    • K

      I bet Sugar Smacks goes well with a good paddling!

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