A friend of mine recently claimed she has had fifteen years worth of dating in under two years. She made a list of what she has learned. It is a VERY good list and rings true to me in many ways.
1) My sexuality truly is mine and mine alone. I used to think it was an asset, i.e. that I was more valuable if I was better in bed, or would be considered a more desirable person. The only self-esteem bolstering I can get from my sexuality is based on my being true to it. However, people wanting to fuck me says nothing about how they actually feel about ME.
2) Men do not have to like you or even find you attractive to want to fuck you. This can be confusing for naive people.
3) Competing for cock is ridiculous. There is plenty of cock. More than enough in fact.

Really people - cock is everywhere.
4) People show you who they are, even when you do not want to see it. Pay attention.
5) Sex can be 100% technically great and still not be good for me. By that same token, I can have sex with someone with ED or other issues, and it be mind blowing. Without sounding too woo, sex is about energy for me, not just pawing at meaty parts. Meaty parts are nice too though.
6) And most importantly, if I was not me, I would totally fuck me. I would also fall madly in love with myself and remind myself constantly of just how adorable, sexy, precious, and important I am. However, this is WAY too much to expect of someone else.
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