Minivan Lovers

Enjoy the Ride

End of the Road

This site has been the chronicle of a phase in my life – that of a wife discovering her sexuality. However, where we end up is not always where we intended on going.

I am ending this blog, although I have not yet decided whether or not to pull it completely or leave it up for posterity. I am certain I will write again, and most assuredly about sex, but the tale of this particular trip is over.

Thanks for enjoying the ride :)

2 comments to End of the Road

  • Shadow Lurker

    I’ve been lurking around you site for the better part of a year now, and really came to love it. You’re writing is amazing, and has challenged me to explore parts of myself that, while I knew existed, I was fearful of truly coming to know.

    Over the last two months or so I had been fearful that this site had possibly come to an end, and this morning my fears were confirmed. While I am crestfallen to see this come to an end I don’t hope that all is well, and hope to read your work on other outlets.

    I wish you the best of luck in the future. This blog is already dearly missed.

  • Michael

    We’ll miss you!

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